
Welcome to Visualization of Mixed Reality Lab (VOM) at School of Computing, Gachon University, Republic of Korea.

Research focus of our VOM lab includes inventing / implementing / evaluating fundamental algorithms and practical solutions for a variety of imaging and visualization challenges. Our research backgrounds consist of Computer Graphics, Artificial Intelligence, and Image Processing. Our recent research interests are as below:

(i) Fundamental image processing and visualization algorithms,

(ii) Mixed reality-based immersive data representation,

(iii) Multi-modal or serial data processing and visualization,

(iv) Prototype implementation and evaluation, in particular for medical imaging data analysis (e.g., diagnostic, surgical, or educational usages), and

(v) Extension to other industries and disciplines that can benefit from visualization and mixed reality research.

The ultimate goal of our VOM lab is to enhance the quality of human life by translating our research outcomes into real-life values.


We are looking for highly motivated Undergraduates/MS/PhD/Postdoctoral Fellow.

Please send your CV via email to A/Prof. Younhyun Jung (

  • Passion, commitment, cooperative spirit are the most fundamental.

  • Knowledge and research experiences on GPU programming (e.g, OpenGL) and deep learning programming (e.g., Python) may not be mandatory but can be very appreciated

시각화와 혼합 현실의 순수 알고리즘 연구 및 실용 응용 개발에 관심있는 학부생, 학석사연계, 석사과정, 박사과정, 박사후 연구원을 모집합니다. International research labs 으로의 해외 연수 경험을 적극적으로 지원합니다. 일반적인 산업체 진로 및 연구 계획에 대한 상담도 언제든 환영합니다.


Office: 421, AI Hall
Tell: +82-31-750-4771